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Wed, 14 Jan 2009 02:16:27 +0900 (JST)
From: "Kamala Selina"
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:33:42 -0700
Subject: Natural _LoseWeight SuperFood Endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Free Trial 1 bottle, pay only $5.95 for shipping vfk 87t
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Reply-To: "Kamala Selina"
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=== Natural WeightL0SS Solution ===

Vital Acai is a natural WeightL0SS product that Enables people to lose wieght and cleansing their bodies faster than most other products on the market.

Here are some of the benefits of Vital Acai that You might not be aware of. These benefits have helped people who have been using Vital Acai daily to Achieve goals and reach new heights in there dieting that they never thought they could.

* Rapid WeightL0SS
* Increased metabolism - BurnFat & calories easily!
* Better Mood and Attitude
* More Self Confidence
* Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body
* Much More Energy
* BetterSexLife
* A Natural Colon Cleanse


i) How you Lose Wieght with vital Acai?
When you first start taking Vital Acai it starts by cleansing and detoxifying your body and ridding it of toxins - then it works by boosting/speeding up your metabolism

ii) Are there side effects to Vital Acai?
There are No side effects to The Vital Acai Supplement. It is 100% all natural and carries zero artificial colors, ingredients, and no additives.

iii) Will i need to change my Diet or Lifestyle to see results?
No, you don't Need to change anything in your lifestyle or diet if you don't want to but if your goal is to be healthier all around, you must look at what you're eating and how you live your life if you want to live a better life.

iv) Is Vital acai Safe?
With Vital Acai being 100% all natural it is completely Safe to use. If it makes you feel more at ease by all means consult with your family physician before taking any Acai product.

* The Vital Acai Pledge! *
Vital Acai is very confident that if you Are interested in L0SING Weight. This is the best way to start. We are Willing to give you a free 14 day free product trial that if you are UN-happy with there product or the results you are seeing in any way shape or form, you can return the bottle to us and you will not be charged anything. All you have to pay upfront is the shipping and handling costs Which are $5.95. Now, with being able to feel Results with in 24hours of taking your first capsule, you will know with in just a few days, if Vital Acai is right for you!

Click Below links to try Vital acai 1 bottle for only $5.95!


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Received: from [] ([])
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Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:00:33 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <1231○○○.1110@madriver.com>
To: 【僕のメールアドレス】
Reply-To: "Kathryn Windy"
From: "Kathryn Windy"
Subject: Oprah Winfrey Endorsed No.1_LoseWeight Superfood, Free Trial 1 bottle, you pay only $5.95 for shipping fee rhg x3kx
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:19:27 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain;
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X-TERRACE-SPAMMARK: YES-bayesian (SR:-21.57)
(SRN:spamrobot) -----------------

=== Natural WeightL0SS Solution ===

Vital Acai is a natural WeightL0SS product that Enables people to lose wieght and cleansing their bodies faster than most other products on the market.

Here are some of the benefits of Vital Acai that You might not be aware of. These benefits have helped people who have been using Vital Acai daily to Achieve goals and reach new heights in there dieting that they never thought they could.

* Rapid WeightL0SS
* Increased metabolism - BurnFat & calories easily!
* Better Mood and Attitude
* More Self Confidence
* Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body
* Much More Energy
* BetterSexLife
* A Natural Colon Cleanse


i) How you Lose Wieght with vital Acai?
When you first start taking Vital Acai it starts by cleansing and detoxifying your body and ridding it of toxins - then it works by boosting/speeding up your metabolism

ii) Are there side effects to Vital Acai?
There are No side effects to The Vital Acai Supplement. It is 100% all natural and carries zero artificial colors, ingredients, and no additives.

iii) Will i need to change my Diet or Lifestyle to see results?
No, you don't Need to change anything in your lifestyle or diet if you don't want to but if your goal is to be healthier all around, you must look at what you're eating and how you live your life if you want to live a better life.

iv) Is Vital acai Safe?
With Vital Acai being 100% all natural it is completely Safe to use. If it makes you feel more at ease by all means consult with your family physician before taking any Acai product.

* The Vital Acai Pledge! *
Vital Acai is very confident that if you Are interested in L0SING Weight. This is the best way to start. We are Willing to give you a free 14 day free product trial that if you are UN-happy with there product or the results you are seeing in any way shape or form, you can return the bottle to us and you will not be charged anything. All you have to pay upfront is the shipping and handling costs Which are $5.95. Now, with being able to feel Results with in 24hours of taking your first capsule, you will know with in just a few days, if Vital Acai is right for you!

Click Below links to try Vital acai 1 bottle for only $5.95!


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・2件のメールの内容は酷似しています。共通キーワード「Vital Acai」「Lose Wieght」「BetterSexLife」「100% all natural」「only $5.95」etc.

・上記検索結果から判断すると、南米アマゾンで産出する「Acai Berry」というブルーベリーのような果実から製造した、「Vital Acai」という名前の健康食品を売るサイトを紹介する迷惑メールのようです。「Vital Acai」の効能は「ダイエット」「アンチエイジング」「デトックス」etc.を謳ってるようです。
・「Acai Berry」に関して、英語版Wikipediaに記述がありました。(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acai_berry
・追記:「Acai Berry」は「アサイーベリー」と読むらしいです。